What is the biggest challenge facing women and girls in your country today?

        All their lives, women and girls are taught to endure. They are taught to hide their real emotions or else they will be judged. They are considered inferior to men no matter how diligent or successful they are. They face challenges that almost obliterate them. In Pakistan, the number of challenges women face is infinite but in my opinion, the biggest one is gender inequality. Females are not given the same rights as males are. They are looked at as possessions of men. A father controls his daughter’s life and does not give her the same rights her brother may have. A husband controls his wife’s life because he does not consider her his equal. Inequality in Pakistan has wrecked the life of millions of women and girls throughout the years.

      Gender inequality exists because people’s mentality is tarnished from their childhood. From such a young age we are taught that boys are stronger than girls. That girls don’t need to be educated as they will be married off. We are told that there are certain things that boys can get away with it which girls cannot and that “boys will be boys” is a good enough excuse. In Pakistan young girls are not sent to schools and remain uneducated. According to The Global Campaign for Education, there are more than 5.1 million primary school aged children in Pakistan that do not go to school. Sixty-three percent are girls. Parents think that there is no need to waste money on their daughters and their education as they will be married off. However, their sons are usually sent to schools so that they can make a living.

     When women are not given an education they are left vulnerable and with low self esteem. They cannot stand up for themselves and are taken advantage of. Even if a woman is educated she is considered inferior. They are not taken seriously and are degraded because men don’t consider them their equal. They are sexually assaulted because some nefarious men think they can do whatever they want with them. In some places in Pakistan, if a woman or girl is raped, she is thrown out of her home for something a man did. She is looked at with disgust even though she was the victim. Why? Because she is a woman.

In certain rural areas of Pakistan, girls are married off in their teens and even have children. They are married off against their will as their parents don’t want the burden of a daughter. They remain illiterate even if they have the potential to do great things. Talent is hidden due to these reasons. If they are not married off, most times they still aren’t educated and thus cannot tell when someone is taking advantage of them. Most of the times a girl doesn’t even know she is being molested as she was not educated about these things. If girls are educated and allowed to experience things out in the real world like their brothers are, they can defend themselves, they can become more confident. Phenomenal things come with confidence.

      Gender inequality needs to stop. People living in rural areas can be educated and this way men may realise that they are not superior. That females have the same rights and are capable of great things. If they are hidden away in homes, Pakistan cannot prosper. People can be reminded that imposing limits on girls is against their moral and religious duties. Pakistan is a Muslim country and Islam does not stop women from studying or going out as many people use Islam as an excuse when this is not the case. It does not consider females inferior but teaches us that we are all equal. No one is below anyone. Going to rural areas and reminding everyone of this will create awareness and Pakistan will ameliorate. Women and girls will always face challenges but it is our duty to reduce these challenges through the passage of time and I’m sure Pakistan will prosper.