Women of Pakistan- and their Struggles

By Mahnoor Shakila Yousaf

As women we have this current struggle faced almost everywhere around the world. We are never in a state where our status is equivalent to those of men. We are victims of our own biology, and because of that men take that to their advantage. In Pakistan, women are constantly victimized by the actions of men. We have to face many challenges, which include Social Struggles, and general Muslim-women Stereotypes.

To be a woman in a Muslim country can mean many things. Women in countries like Turkey, or UAE, have less of the struggles that we do in Pakistan. Socially, we are regarded as the less superior, compared to men. In Pakistan, when we want to go out to the market or to a friends house, we have to first grab a scarf and make sure your are completely covered, or wear your Burqa/Abaya in 90-100 degree weather, just to protect yourself from the stares of men. Yet even wearing all of that, you would find that somehow men would still be lurking and staring at you. Whereas in countries like U.S.A, or U.K, a girl can go out wearing a dress and no man would stare at her; as women, we struggle with the mentality of the men in this country.  Then when some incident happens, as women, we are blamed.

In our religion, we were thought that woman are suppose to be respected, and treated equally as men, but few actually follow that principle. Women are misused, mistreated, and are mistaken by the people who want to hide us women and push us into a state of silence. In some places in this country, women are brainwashed with the idea we have no say. We have no choice in our lives, or that we are someone’s property. Then those brave soul that stands against the people who treat her as their prisoner suffers in forms of abuse, Rape, and in some cases death.

Socially every woman in this country is thought to either become a doctor, a nurse, or a Housewife. This is a stereotype that has invaded the minds of each person in this country.  The idea behind the “women are just there to take care of the house,” or that “if she doesn’t work she is a housewife,” is incorrect. We as women, cook food, clean the house, take care of the children, take care of the husband, we give birth to generations, yet we are the “inferior species.” The term housewife is incorrect for women who don’t work in offices. They don’t work at home; they create homes for their husbands and children. They should known as “homemakers.” Without them, there is an obvious void in the home-life. 

We face through these troubles, thinking we have no say in our lives. Yet, without us society wouldn’t survive. It may be a “mans world” but it would be nothing without a woman or a girl. We face through troubles, and men may call us weak, but we are stronger than they know. We should take this to our advantage and show the world what we are made of. Start rising in society, and show the oppressors they do not control us.